Baobab Centre For Young Survivors In Exile Shop
Behind the Mask
£12.95 GBP

Over many years Baobab’s community members have been creating a short book: ‘Behind the Mask’. The book is written by our young community members and is meant as a resource for other people who have experienced similar struggles. It contains reflections and advice on topics including: Isolation, Depression, What makes you laugh, Cultural transitions, Housing, Uncertainty, Patience and Our Wishes, Hopes and Dreams.

“The words in this book come from us, young people from Baobab. We have been in very difficult situations and struggles. We would like to help other young people who are going through similar difficulties and struggles. We would like to share with you how we managed and what we did.”

All proceeds go towards Baobab’s work supporting young asylum seekers and refugees.

For over 20 copies the cost is £10 per copy plus postage (depends on quantity). For bulk orders please email [email protected].

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